Directory | Description |
bin | Contains startup, shutdown and other system-specific scripts. Basically all the entry point JARs and start scripts included with the JBoss distribution are located in the bin directory. 包含了服务器启动,关闭和系统相关的脚本。基本上所有jar文件的进入点和启动脚本都在这个目录里面。 |
client | Stores configuration files and JAR files that may be used by a Java client application (running outside JBoss) or an external web container. You can select archives as required or use jbossall-client.jar. 保存Java客户端应用或外部web容器(在JBoss之外运行),所需的配置文件和Jar文件。 |
docs | Contains the XML DTDs used in JBoss for reference (these are also a useful source of documentation on JBoss configuration specifics). There are also example JCA (Java Connector Architecture) configuration files for setting up datasources for different databases (such as MySQL, Oracle, Postgres). 包含一些jboss的XML DTD文件,还有一些案例和文档。 |
lib | Contains startup JARs used by JBoss. Do not place your own JAR files in this directory. 包换JBoss所需的jar文件。不要把你自己的jar文件放在这个目录。 |
server | Contains the JBoss server configuration sets. Each of the subdirectories in here is a different server configuration. JBoss ships with minimal, default, production, and all configuration sets. The subdirectories and key configuration files contained in the default configuration set are discussed in more detail in subsequent sections. 包含JBoss服务器实例的配置集合。这里的每个子目录就是一个不同的服务器实例配置。 |
Directory | Description |
conf | The conf directory contains the jboss-service.xml bootstrap descriptor file for a given server configuration. This defines the core services that are fixed for the lifetime of the server. conf目录中包含了这个服务器的启动描述文件jboss-service.xml。这个文件定义了服务器运行时间内提供那些固定的核心服务。 |
data | The data directory is available for use by services that want to store content in the file system. It holds persistent data for services intended to survive a server restart. Serveral JBoss services, such as the embedded Hypersonic database instance, store data here. 服务中需要存储内容到文件系统的都会保存到data目录。JBoss内嵌的Hypersonic database的数据也是保存到这里的。 |
deploy | The deploy directory contains the hot-deployable services (those which can be added to or removed from the running server). It also contains applications for the current server configuration. You deploy your application code by placing application packages (JAR, WAR and EAR files) in the deploy directory. The directory is constantly scanned for updates, and any modified components will be re-deployed automatically. This may be overridden through the URLDeploymentScanner URLs attribute. deploy中包含可热部署的服务(可以在服务器运行时动态添加和删除)。当然这里还包含有这个服务器实例下的应用程序。你可以发布你的应用程序代码的压缩包(JAR,WAR和EAR文件)到这里。这里目录会被搜索更新,所有修改的组件都会被自动重新部署。 |
lib | This directory contains JAR files (Java libraries that should not be hot deployed) needed by this server configuration. You can add required library files here for JDBC drivers etc. All JARs in this directory are loaded into the shared classpath at startup. 这个目录中包含这个服务器配置需要的JAR文件(这些java库不需要被热部署)。你可以添加需要的库文件到这里,如JDBC驱动等。所有的jar文件将在服务器启动的时候被加载到共享的classpath中。 |
log | This is where the log files are written. JBoss uses the Jakarta log4j package for logging and you can also use it directly in your own applications from within the server. This may be overridden through the conf/log4j.xmlconfiguration file. 日志文件会被写到这里。如果你要修改日志输出目录,可以通过配置conf/log4j.xml实现。 |
tmp | The tmp directory is used for temporary storage by JBoss services. The deployer, for example, expands application archives in this directory. tmp目录被用来提供JBoss服务的临时存储。 |
work | This directory is used by Tomcat for compilation of JSPs. 提供给tomcat编译jsp文件用。 |
File | Description |
jboss-minimal.xml | This is a minimalist example of the jboss-service.xml configuration file. (This is the jboss-service.xmlfile used in the minimal configuration file set) jboss-service.xml最小配置的例子。 |
jboss-service.xml | jboss-service.xml defines the core services and their configurations. 定义核心服务及其配置。 | | The file specifies the JNDI InitialContext properties that are used within the JBoss server when an InitialContext is created using the no-arg constructor. jndi.properties定义了InitialContext属性,当一个InitialContext被无参数构造函数创建时会被使用到。 |
jboss-log4j.xml | This file configures the Apache log4j framework category priorities and appenders used by the JBoss server code. 包含了jboss使用的log4j日志配置。 |
login-config.xml | This file contains sample server side authentication configurations that are applicable when using JAAS based security. 这个文件包含了服务器端验证的配置的样例,当使用基于JAAS验证时会被用到。 |
props/* | The props directory contains the users and roles property files for the jmx-console. 这个目录包含了jmx-console所需的用户和角色配置文件。 |
standardjaws.xml | This file provides the default configuration for the legacy EJB 1.1 CMP engine. 这个文件是EJB 1.1 CMP 引擎的默认配置(EJB1.1遗留)。 |
standardjboss.xml | This file provides the default container configurations. 提供了JBoss默认容器配置。 |
standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml | This file provides a default configuration file for the JBoss CMP engine. 这个文件提供了JBoss CMP 引擎的默认配置文件。 |
xmdesc/*-mbean.xml | The xmdesc directory contains XMBean descriptors for several services configured in the jboss-service.xml file. 包含了jboss-service.xml 中定义的服务的XMBean描述文件。
File | Description |
bsh-deployer.xml | This file configures the bean shell deployer, which deploys bean shell scripts as JBoss services. 这个文件用来配置bean shell部署器(把bean shell脚本发布为JBoss服务) |
cache-invalidation-service.xml | This is a service that allows for custom invalidation of the EJB caches via JMS notifications.It is disabled by default. 这个服务允许自定义的提除EJB cache。 |
client-deployer-service.xml | This is a service that provides support for J2EE application clients. It manages thejava:comp/env enterprise naming context for client applications based on the application-client.xml descriptor. 提供给J2EE应用程序客户端的一个服务。它基于application-client.xml配置文件,管理java:comp/env企业级名字上下文给客户端程序使用。 |
ear-deployer.xml | The EAR deployer is the service responsible for deploying J2EE EAR files. 部署J2EE EAR应用的配置。 |
ejb-deployer.xml | The EJB deployer is the service responsible for deploying J2EE EJB JAR files. 部署J2EE EJB应用的配置。 |
hsqldb-ds.xml | hsqldb-ds.xml configures the Hypersonic embedded database service configuration file. It sets up the embedded database and related connection factories. Hypersonic embedded database服务的配置文件 |
http-invoker.sar | http-invoker.sar contains the detached invoker that supports RMI over HTTP. It also contains the proxy bindings for accessing JNDI over HTTP. http-invoker.sar包含了支持RMI over HTTP的调用者。它也包含通过HTTP存取JNDI的绑定。 |
jboss-aop-jdk50.deployer | This service configures the AspectManagerService and deploys JBoss AOP applications. 这个服务配置了AspectManagerService和部署JBoss AOP应用程序的功能。 |
jboss-bean.deployer | jboss-bean.deployer provides the JBoss microcontainer, which deploys POJO services wrapped in .beans files. jboss-bean.deployer提供了JBoss微容器功能,通过它部署在.beans文件中包装了的POJO服务。 |
jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar | jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar is an experimental version of jboss-local-jdbc.rar that supports datasource failover. jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar是jboss-local-jdbc.rar一个实验性的版本,用来支持数据源失效。 |
jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar | jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar is an experimental version of jboss-xa-jdbc.rar that supports datasource failover. jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar是boss-xa-jdbc.rar一个实验性的版本,用来支持数据源失效。 |
jboss-local-jdbc.rar | jboss-local-jdbc.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the JCAManagedConnectionFactory interface for JDBC drivers that support the DataSourceinterface but not JCA. 这是一个JCA的资源适配器,它实现的JCA ManagedConnectionFactory接口支持JDBC驱动提供DataSource接口,但不是JCA本身。 |
jboss-xa-jdbc.rar | jboss-xa-jdbc.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the JCAManagedConnectionFactory interface for JDBC drivers that support the XADataSourceinterface. 这是一个JCA的资源适配器,它实现的JCA ManagedConnectionFactory接口支持JDBC驱动提供XADataSource接口 |
jbossjca-service.xml | jbossjca-service.xml is the application server implementation of the JCA specification. It provides the connection management facilities for integrating resource adaptors into the JBoss server. jbossjca-service.xml是应用服务器对JCA规范的实现。它提供了用于集成资源适配器到JBoss服务器的连接管理工具。 |
jboss-web.deployer | The jboss-web.deployer directory provides the Tomcat servlet engine. jboss-web.deployer提供了tomcat servlet引擎。 |
jbossws.sar | jbossws.sar provides J2EE web services support. 提供了J2EE web服务支持。 |
jboss-messaging.sar/hsqldb-persistence-service.xml | hsqldb-persistencee-service.xml provides JMS state management using Hypersonic. 使用Hypersonic实现的JMS状态管理。 |
jboss-messaging.sar/destinations-service.xml | destinations-service.xml configures a number of JMS queues and topics used by the JMS unit tests. 配置一些给JMS单元测试用的JMS队列和主题。 |
jboss-messaging.sar/messaging-service.xml | The messaging-service.xml file configures the core JBoss Messaging JMS service. 配置核心JBoss消息系统的JMS服务。 |
jms-ra.rar | jms-ra.rar is a JCA resource adaptor that implements the JCA ManagedConnectionFactoryinterface for JMS connection factories. jms-ra.rar是一个JCA资源适配器,它为JMS连接工厂实现了JCA ManagedConnectionFactory接口。 |
jmx-console.war | The jmx-console.war directory provides the JMX Console. The JMX Console provides a simple web interface for managing the MBean server. jmx-console.war提供了JMX控制台。它提供了一个管理MBean服务器的简单web界面。 |
jmx-invoker-service.sar | jmx-invoker-service.sar is an unpacked MBean service archive that exposes a subset of the JMX MBeanServer interface methods as an RMI interface to enable remote access to the JMX core functionality. This is similar to the legacy jmx-rmi-adaptor.sar, with the difference that the transport is handled by the detached invoker architecture. 以RMI接口的方式暴露MBeanServer接口的一个子集,允许远程存取。 |
jsr-88-service.xml | jsr-88-service.xml provides the JSR 88 remote deployment service. 提供JSR88远程部署服务。 |
mail-ra.rar | mail-ra.rar is a resource adaptor that provides a JavaMail connector. 一个提供JavaMail连接的资源适配器。 |
mail-service.xml | The mail-service.xml file is an MBean service descriptor that provides JavaMail sessions for use inside the JBoss server. MBean服务描述,提供JavaMail会话供JBoss服务器内部使用。 |
management/console-mgr.sar | console-mgr.sar provides the Web Console. It is a web application/applet that provides a richer view of the JMX server management data than the JMX console. You may view the console using the URL http://localhost:8080/web-console/. 提供一个web控制台。相比JMX控制台,提供了一个富客户端。 |